Tuesday 28 June 2011

Too Dark to Mow

I had to come in out of it and only got the back mowed.  All the plants are looking desperate, but the grass doesn't look too bad.  I think the seeds and flowers I planted had too much to drink, like John Lester said of his strawberries.

And what's with them there chickens! One egg today!! Boy oh boy!  I threw out a handful of flax seed this evening so maybe that will give them a boost.  One egg! out of 7 layers!!!  What's a girl to do?  I smell chicken cooking........!  No b'y, I wouldn't do that to the poor chickens..........not yet, anyway.

Got a tiny egg yesterday about the size of a large marble. I get probably one of them every two weeks.  We used to call them lucky eggs when Johnny and Minnie stokes had chickens, but they really are not lucky at all because there is not a fully-formed egg inside.  What I have been doing is poking pinholes in each end, blowing out the contents, and collecting them in a bowl.  I'll find something to do with them.

Going to sleep with the sweet smell of freshly-cut grass in my nose. Gotta tackle the front lawn tomorrow.  I need two or three of me.

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